Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Mommy's house?"

3:30 AM - I hear "J" fuss a bit through the baby monitor. It gets quiet so I figured he fell back asleep. In a few minutes I hear little footsteps and "Jennifer....juice?" "Nope, "J" bed", "okay". We walk back to bed and the TV is on. "J" says TB off?" and I say "TV off, sleep!" and that was that!
We are getting into the swing of things in the morning. "K" is amazingly able to be more independent each day. He does things alone that we know he can do like put on his shirt and socks. He seems really excited about going to school and has had three great days. We think that maybe just going from full day to half day kindergarten has helped. He goes to preschool in the afternoon, where he gets to rest which he still really needs. 
Today was quite emotional for me. "J" is beginning to catch on that this isn't his normal 2 night visit. This morning he screamed and cried for "mommy" and I was not what he wanted. The whole way to school he continually asked me "Jennifer, mommy's house?" It broke my heart. I know he doesn't understand what is going on and no matter what we tell him he is still so confused. When we dropped him off at school he cried and cried. I left the preschool in tears. All morning I kept thinking "what the hell are we doing?" I know things will get easier and with time we will be the people "J" cries for but right now it is so hard to see this tiny little person so upset.
Tonight was pretty quiet around the house. The boys played outside with the dogs for about an hour then we had dinner, baths and bed. We are exhausted too! Hopefully we will all sleep in a bit on Saturday! 


Cara and Doug said...

I know those moments. They will get easier, I promise! I've BTDT! I know the heart ache. J will begin to understand. Maybe a picture of "mommy' that he could hug? How about reading him The Kissing Hand?

Rebekah, Jason, Emily and Rachel Willer said...

Jen and Billy

Congrats on the adoption! How exciting! We know now how it feels to be a family of 4 also. Our second daughter Rachel Colleen Willer was born on October 16, 2008 at 8:43 am weighing in at 6 pounds 10 0unces, 20 inches long. We are very blessed but very tired in the same breath. My advice is to simply love your children and don't let the little things in life get you down. The dishes and the laundry can wait, they grow up to fast sit down and enjoy the moments with them. Simply let them know that you love them and that they are yours forever! We can not begin to even tell you how excited we are for you. Keep in touch.

Rebekah, Jason, Emily and Rachel Willer